Convierte sonrisas en futuro:

Fundación SENTIRES, donde los niños son nuestro tesoro más valioso.

Transformamos sonrisas en esperanza: en la Fundación SENTIRES, cada niño cuenta con un futuro lleno de posibilidades. Únete a nuestra causa y sé parte del cambio que impacta vidas.

sobre la fundación


The SENTIRES Foundation is a non-profit entity created on September 2, 2008, since then we have worked daily to bring well-being and protection to vulnerable children living in Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá, Colombia.

SENTIRES has offered its services to more than 300 children and families in the sector, reducing their exposure to latent risks in their contexts and giving them the possibility of comprehensive development with better life expectations for a better future. All of this has been possible thanks to the support of sponsors, companies and generous people who have placed their trust and resources to keep our children's dream alive.

Ver a cada niño brillar con alegría es mi mayor inspiración. En SENTIRES, buscamos transformar desafíos en oportunidades, construyendo un presente y un futuro lleno de esperanza para los pequeños corazones de Ciudad Bolívar.

Johanna Carreño



Who are our beneficiaries?

We work daily with 60 children between 5 and 12 years old, who are studying primary school in district schools. Their families are from socioeconomic stratum 1 and 2, within the occupations of the parents we find street vending, recycling, construction workers and different types of informal work, therefore, many of the families do not have economic resources or time to care and supervise their children.

Problems that our children can face in their daily contexts:

  • • Little or no adult supervision, locked up at home, in care of strangers or alone on the street.
  • • Low academic performance and lack of interest in studying.
  • • Absence of sports and recreational activities.
  • • Malnutrition problems, receiving only one or two meals a day.
  • • Family conflicts, violence and abuse.
  • • Vandalism, gangs, drug addiction.
  • • Insecurity in the sector that surrounds them.
  • • Difficulties in the academic context (bullying, sale and consumption of psychoactives, lack of interest and support from their teachers).
  • • Poverty.
  • • Lack of opportunities.
How do we contribute

to the solution of these problems?

SENTIRES develops an interdisciplinary model consolidating solidarity networks to comply with four basic axes: nutritional program, psychological program, pedagogical program and recreational program.


At the SENTIRES Foundation we provide children with a balanced and complementary daily snack, thus helping their growth and physical development. The SENTIRES Foundation organizes campaigns for visual health, oral health, pediatrics, and height and weight checks with professionals from different fields to fulfill our purpose of educating and engaging families with the health and well-being of their children.


At the SENTIRES Foundation we contribute to the comprehensive learning of boys and girls by improving their academic levels and supporting their extracurricular processes with homework support and school reinforcement. With this program we seek to complement academic education and stimulate children's abilities and skills. To do this, we design “workshops and clubs”, in which children carry out dynamic, playful and active activities, where they learn by playing and having fun.


At the SENTIRES Foundation we improve the quality of life of beneficiary children and families through psychological sessions and workshops that enhance processes such as self-esteem, communication, affection, respect, family support, self-care, among others. The SENTIRES foundation works so that children can have self-protection tools against the risks they face daily in their context.


At the SENTIRES Foundation we offer children alternative leisure and recreation spaces from which they can stimulate their abilities and skills. The SENTIRES foundation has its own spaces and monthly activities so that children can have fun in protected and safe spaces, enjoying their childhood and the rights of joy and enjoyment that every child should experience in parks, cinemas, nature walks, theaters, swimming pools and further.

Natali Quintero


Sentires nació con el propósito de brindar a los niños de Ciudad Bolívar un lugar lleno de amor, donde se garantizara su sano desarrollo y la protección de sus derechos. . Unidos continuaremos creando sueños hacia un futuro lleno de oportunidades para la niñez de Ciudad Bolívar.


These are the main needs that the SENTIRES Foundation have to constantly meet to continue fulfilling its corporate purpose:

* Healthy and balanced snacks for our children.

* Food to alleviate the financial expenses of our families and ensure more and better meals prepared at home.

* Stationery and school supplies to ensure a good development of the workshops at the Foundation and support the children with the fulfillment of their academic responsibilities.

* Real estate in excellent condition such as; tables, chairs or kitchen implements to have physical resources in perfect condition and provide excellent service to our children.

Cuida Nuestro Hogar:

* Painting, construction materials and labor to solve the constant maintenance that we must do to Casa Sentires.

Juego y Recreación:

* Sports and recreation elements such as balls, hoops, bows and all types of board games or educational games.

Higiene y Bienestar:

* Toiletries: toilet paper, hand soap, dish soap, bleach, detergent, cloths and sponges.

Regalos que Inspiran Alegría:

*New toys, clothes and shoes for our children to enjoy.

Cuida su Salud:

*First aid kit elements: latex gloves, Isodine, band-aids, bandages, gauze, antiseptic alcohol, micropore, tape, among others.

Tiempo y Conocimientos Valiosos:

*Time and all kinds of knowledge to donate as volunteers to our children.

Apoyo Financiero:

*Cash donations to cover teaching expenses, public services, legal and tax responsibilities, among many other necessary expenses.

Cada gesto cuenta. Únete a SENTIRES y sé el cambio que estos niños merecen. ¡Tu contribución es la clave para construir un futuro lleno de oportunidades!


nuestros voluntarios

Ángeles Solidarios en Acción

Giselle Bogoya

Directora administrativa. Desde 2013.

Maryury Mora

Directora de programas. Desde 2020.

Laidis Santana

Ex directora. Entre 2019 a 2022.

Lady Fernanda Moreno / Saray Gamez / Dina Morales

Voluntarias 2023.

¡Haz la diferencia hoy!

Sonrisas que cambian vidas: en SENTIRES, construimos futuros llenos de esperanza. Únete al cambio.
